Opatch Auto usage

Opatch Auto usage 

> OPatch auto automaticaly patch the typical Grid Infrastructure (GI) and RAC home directories with minimal intervention.
> OPatch auto performs many of the pre-patch checks as well as the post-patch verification.
> OPatch auto lies in its ability to perform end-to-end configuration patching (patching a GI or RAC home based on its configuration.) By incorporating the configuration information into the patch process.
> OPatch auto streamlines patching tasks by automating most of the steps.
> OPatch auto uses your GI/RAC configuration and, from that information, automatically generates patching instructions specific to your site configuration.
> OPatch auto then uses OPatch to implement these instructions and perform the actual application of the patch.

-------------------------------- Create Response file -----------------------------------------
[oracle@v-box1 OPatch]$ sudo su -
[root@v-box1 ~]# export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/
[root@v-box1 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/ocm/bin/emocmrsp -no_banner -output /opt/software/gridocm_config.rsp
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The OCM configuration response file (/opt/software/gridocm_config.rsp) was successfully created.
-------------------------------- Patch GI home -----------------------------------------
[root@v-box1 ~]# cd /opt/software/19380115

[root@v-box1 19380115]# sudo /u01/app/ auto /opt/software/19380115 -oh /u01/app/ -ocmrf/opt/software/gridocm_config.rsp
Executing /u01/app/ /u01/app/ -patchdir /opt/software -patchn 19380115 -oh /u01/app/ -ocmrf /opt/software/gridocm_config.rsp -paramfile /u01/app/

This is the main log file: /u01/app/

This file will show your detected configuration and all the steps that opatchauto attempted to do on your system:

2015-07-16 04:39:48: Starting Oracle Restart Patch Setup
Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/

Stopping CRS...
Stopped CRS successfully

patch /opt/software/19380115/19121551 apply successful for home /u01/app/
patch /opt/software/19380115/19121549 apply successful for home /u01/app/
patch /opt/software/19380115/19121552 apply successful for home /u01/app/

Starting CRS...
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.

opatch auto succeeded.

-------------------------------- Patch Oracle Home -----------------------------------------

[oracle@v-box1 OPatch]$ sudo /u01/app/oracle/product/ auto /opt/software/19380115 -oh /u01/app/oracle/product/ -ocmrf /opt/software/gridocm_config.rsp
Executing /u01/app/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ -patchdir /opt/software -patchn 19380115 -oh /u01/app/oracle/product/ -ocmrf /opt/software/gridocm_config.rsp -paramfile/u01/app/

This is the main log file: /u01/app/oracle/product/

This file will show your detected configuration and all the steps that opatchauto attempted to do on your system:

2015-07-16 05:02:44: Starting Oracle Restart Patch Setup
Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/

Stopping RAC /u01/app/oracle/product/ ...
Stopped RAC /u01/app/oracle/product/ successfully

patch /opt/software/19380115/19121551 apply successful for home /u01/app/oracle/product/
patch /opt/software/19380115/19121549/custom/server/19121549 apply successful for home /u01/app/oracle/product/

Starting RAC /u01/app/oracle/product/ ...
Started RAC /u01/app/oracle/product/ successfully

opatch auto succeeded.
[oracle@v-box1 OPatch]$

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