Opatch Utility and Commands (Oracle doc)

OPatch Utility and Commands

The OPatch utility is a tool that allows the application and rollback of interim patches to Oracle products. This chapter provides information on using OPatch to apply patches.This chapter includes the following topics:
  • OPatch Utility Basic Syntax
  • apply Command
  • napply Command
  • auto Command
  • lsinventory Command
  • query Command
  • rollback Command
  • version Command

OPatch Utility Basic Syntax

The OPatch utility is located in the /OPatch directory. You can run it with various commands and options. The following command shows the syntax for the OPatch utility:
/opatch  [-options]
In the preceding command, the following variables are used:
  • command: The OPatch command, described in Table 4–1:
  • options: The command-line arguments for the command, which are described in the following sections.
Table 4-1 OPatch Commands
applyInstalls an interim patch. Refer to "apply Command" for more information.
napplyInstalls n number of patches (hence napply). Refer to "napply Command" for more information.
autoApplies Oracle Clusterware patches. Refer to "auto Command" for more information.
lsinventoryLists what is currently installed on the system. Refer to "lsinventory Command" for more information.
queryQueries a given patch for specific details. Refer to "query Command" for more information.
rollbackRemoves an interim patch. Refer to "rollback Command" for more information.
versionPrints the current version of the patch tool. Refer to "version Command" for more information.

To view additional information for any command, use the following command:
<Path_to_OPatch>/opatch command -help
If using Perl, use the following command:
perl opatch.pl command -help
To show the full syntax of the -help option, enter opatch -h to view the following display:
Usage: opatch [ -help ] [ -r[eport] ] [ command ]
           command := auto
 := -help       Displays the help message for the command.
                      -report     Print the actions without executing.
  'opatch -help'
  'opatch auto -help'
  'opatch apply -help'
  'opatch lsinventory -help'
  'opatch napply -help'
  'opatch nrollback -help'
  'opatch rollback -help'
  'opatch prereq -help'
  'opatch util -help'

apply Command

The apply command applies an interim patch to a specified Oracle home. The ORACLE_HOME environment variable must be set to the Oracle home to be patched. Use following syntax for this command:
<Path_to_OPatch>/opatch apply [-delay (value)] [-force] \
[-invPtrLoc (path)] [-jdk (location)] [-jre (location)] [-local] \
[-minimize_downtime] [-no_bug_superset] [-no_inventory] \
[-oh (Oracle Home location)] \
[-post (options to be passed into post) [-opatch_post_end]]\
[-pre (options to be passed into pre) [-opatch_pre_end]] \
[-retry (value)] [-silent] [-verbose] [-no_relink] \ [-no_sysmod (patch
 location)][-remote_nodes (comma separated node names)][-local_node (node
Table 4–2 describes the options available for the apply command.
Table 4-2 apply Command Options
delaySpecifies how many seconds to wait before attempting to lock the inventory in the case of a previous failure. You can use this option only if you specify the -retry option.
forceRemoves conflicting patches from the system. If a conflict exists that prevents the patch from being applied, you can use the -force option to apply the patch.
invPtrLocSpecifies the location of the oraInst.loc file. This option is needed when the -invPtrLoc argument was used during installation. Oracle recommends using the default Central Inventory for a platform.
jdkSpecifies the location of a particular JDK (jar) to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory. You cannot use the -jdk and -jre options together.
jreSpecifies the location of a particular JRE (Java) to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory. You cannot use the -jdk and -jre options together.
localSpecifies that the OPatch utility should patch the local node and update the inventory of the local node. It does not propagate the patch or inventory update to other nodes.
You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments and non-clustered environments. If an entire cluster is shut down before patching, you can use this argument for non-rolling patches.
local_nodeSpecifies the local node for this cluster to the OPatch utility.
You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments.
minimize_downtimeSpecifies the order of nodes to be patched by the OPatch utility.
This option only applies to Oracle Real Application Clusters environments. You cannot use it with the -local option or a rolling patch.
no_bug_supersetSpecifies to error out if the current patch bugs-to-fix is a superset or the same as an installed patch bugs-fixed in the Oracle home directory.
no_inventoryBypasses the inventory for reading and updates. You cannot use this option with the -local option. This option puts the installation into an unsupported state.
no_sysmodSpecifies that the OPatch utility need not update the files in the system. It will only update the inventory.
no_relinkThis option does not perform any make operation. You can use it during multiple patch applications and to perform the linking step only once. OPatch does not keep track of the make operations it did not perform. You need to make sure to execute OPatch without this option at the end for compilation.
ohSpecifies the Oracle home directory to use instead of the default.
opatch_post_endMarks the end of the post option. This option is used with the post option. If this argument is not used, everything after post is passed intopost.
opatch_pre_endMarks the end of the pre options. This option is used with the pre option. If you do not use this argument, everything after pre is passed intopre.
postSpecifies the parameters to be passed inside the post script besides the standard parameters.
preSpecifies the parameters to be passed inside the pre script besides the standard parameters.
remote_nodesSpecifies the list of remote nodes to the OPatch utility.
You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments.
reportPrints the action to the screen without executing it.
retrySpecifies how many times the OPatch utility should try when there is an inventory lock failure.
silentSuppresses user interaction, and defaults any answers to "yes."
verbosePrints output to the screen as well as to the log file.

If a patch consists of SQL changes, follow the instructions in the patch readme, included with the patch to apply the SQL scripts.

napply Command

This command applies interim patches to several Oracle homes at the same time.
Use the following syntax for this command:
opatch napply [patch_location] [-id comma-separated list of patch IDs]                      [-delay  ] [ -force ]                      [-invPtrLoc  ]                      [-jdk  ] [-jre  ] [ -local ]                      [-minimize_downtime ] [-no_bug_superset ]                      [-no_inventory ] [-oh  ]                      [-retry  ] [-silent ]                      [-verbose ]  [-no_relink]                       [-pre  [-opatch_pre_end] ]                      [-post  [-opatch_post_end] ]                      [-no_sysmod]                      [ -property_file  ]                      [ -local_node  ]                      [ -remote_nodes  ]                      [ -all_nodes ]                      [ -phBaseFile  ]                      [-skip_subset] [-skip_duplicate] [-report]
  • The following example applies all patches under the  directory:
    opatch napply 
  • The following example applies patches 1, 2, and 3 that are under the  directory:
    opatch napply  -id 1,2,3

  • The following example applies all patches under the  directory. OPatch skips duplicate patches and subset patches (patches under  that are subsets of patches installed in the Oracle home).
    opatch napply  -skip_subset -skip_duplicate
    See the description for the skip_subset option in Table 4–3 for more information.
  • The following example applies patches 1, 2, and 3 that are under the  directory. OPatch skips duplicate patches and subset patches (patches under  that are subsets of patches installed in the Oracle home).
    opatch napply  -id 1,2,3 -skip_subset -skip_duplicate
    See the description for the skip_subset option in Table 4–3 for more information.
Table 4–3 lists the options available for this command.
Table 4-3 Napply Command Options
all_nodesApplies the patch using the all-node mode.
delaySpecifies how many seconds to wait before attempting to lock the inventory again for a previous failure. You can use this option only if you specify the retry option.
forceRemoves conflicting patches from the system. If a conflict exists that prevents the patch from being applied, you can use this option to apply the patch. OPatch removes all the conflicting patches before applying the current patch.
invPtrLocSpecifies the location of the oraInst.loc file. The invPtrLoc option is needed when this option is used during installation. Oracle recommends the use of the default Central Inventory for a platform.
jdkInstructs OPatch to use JDK (jar) from the specified location instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory. If you do not specify the jre option, JVM is executed from the jdk location.
jreInstructs OPatch to use JRE (Java) from the specified location instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory. You cannot specify the jdk and jre options together.
localSpecifies that OPatch should patch the local node and update the inventory of the local node. It does not propagate the patch or inventory update to other nodes.
You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments and non-clustered environments. If an entire cluster is shut down before patching, you can use this option for non-rolling patches.
local_nodeTells OPatch the local node for this cluster. You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments.
minimize_downtimeSpecifies the order of nodes that OPatch should patch.
This option only applies to Oracle Real Application Clusters environments. You cannot use it with the -local option with a rolling patch.
no_bug_supersetSpecifies to error out if the current patch's bugs-to-fix is a superset (or same set) of an installed patch's bugs-fixed in the Oracle home directory.
no_inventoryBypasses the inventory for reading and updates. You cannot use this option with the local option. This option places the installation into an unsupported state.
no_relinkThis option does not perform any make operations. You can use it during multiple patch applications and to perform the linking step only once. OPatch does not keep track of the make operations it did not perform. You need to make sure to execute OPatch without this option at the end for compilation.
no_sysmodSpecifies that OPatch does not need to update the files in the system. It only updates the inventory. It also does not execute the pre and post scripts.
ohSpecifies the Oracle home directory to use instead of the default. This takes precedence over the environment variable ORACLE_HOME.
opatch_post_endMarks the end of the post option. You use this option with the post option. If you do not use this option, everything after post until the end of the command is passed into post.
opatch_pre_endMarks the end of the pre options. You use this option with the pre option. If you do not use this option, everything after pre until the end of the command is passed into pre.
Patch LocationIndicates the path to the patch location. If you do not specify the location, OPatch assumes the current directory is the patch location.
phBaseFileIf you do not specify , use this option to point OPatch to a file containing a list of patches to be n-applied. Each line in the file points to a location of a patch.
postSpecifies the parameters to be passed to the post script. This script is executed after the patch is applied. You need to enclose the values for this option in double-quotes.
preSpecifies the parameters to be passed to the pre script. This script is executed before the patch is applied. You need to enclose the values for this option in double-quotes.
property_fileSpecifies the user-defined property file for OPatch to use. The path to the property file should be absolute. This property file takes precedence over the one that OPatch supplies.
remote_nodesTells OPatch the list of remote nodes. You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments. The node names must be separated with commas, but without spaces.
reportPrints the action to the screen without executing it.
retryTells OPatch how many times it should retry when there is an inventory lock failure.
silentSuppresses user interaction, and defaults any answers to "yes."
skip_duplicateSkips patches to be applied that are duplicates of other patches installed in the Oracle home. Two patches are duplicates if they fix the same set of bugs.
skip_subsetSkips patches to be applied that are subsets of other patches installed in the Oracle home. One patch is a subset of another patch if the former fixes a subset of bugs fixed by the latter.
For example, if you used napply yesterday for patch A that fixed bugs 1 and 2, then you use napply today with this option for patch B that fixes bug 1 and patch C that fixes bugs 1, 2, and 3, then subset patch A is skipped, and patch C then becomes a superset of patch A.
verbosePrints additional OPatch output to the screen as well as to the log file.

auto Command

Ordinarily, a Clusterware patch requires several manual steps before and after you apply the patch, such as:
  • Stopping all dependent databases
  • Stopping Clusterware resources
  • Running pre-patch scripts
  • Shutting down Clusterware
  • Running post-patch scripts
  • Starting Clusterware and dependent databases
The opatch auto command automates all of these tasks for patching the CRS home and all other applicable RDBMS homes.
Use the following syntax for this command:
/opatch auto          [-rollback [patch_location]]           [[patch_location]-oh <path_to_oracle_home1>,<path_to_oracle_home2>...] |         [[patch_location]-och <path_to_crs_home>]             
... where patch_location is path to the location for the patch. If you do not specify the patch location, the current directory is considered the patch location.
Table 4–4 lists the options available for this command.
Table 4-4 Auto Command Options
rollbackRolls back the patch rather than applying it.
ohComma-separated Oracle homes to patch. The default is all applicable Oracle homes. Use this option to patch RDBMS homes where no database is registered.
ochPath of the Oracle Clusterware home. Use this option to patch only Oracle Clusterware homes where Oracle Clusterware has been stopped already. Do not use this option for Oracle Clusterware with a CRS stack that is up.

  • The following example applies a patch with an unzipped patch location to all applicable Oracle homes on the system:
    opatch auto <patch_location>
  • The following example rolls back the patch from all the applicable Oracle homes on the system:
    opatch auto -rollback <patch_location>
  • The following example patches a selective list of Oracle homes:
    opatch auto <patch_location> -oh /tmp/oh1,/tmp/oh2,/tmp/oh3
  • The following example only patches the CRS home when the Oracle Clusterware stack is down.
    opatch auto <patch_location> -och /tmp/ora_crs_home

lsinventory Command

The lsinventory command reports what has been installed on the system for a particular Oracle home directory, or for all installations. The following syntax is used for this command:
<Path_to_OPatch>/opatch lsinventory [-all] [-bugs_fixed asc|desc] [-delay (value)] [-detail] [-invPrtLoc (path)] \ 
[-jre (location)] [-patch asc|desc] [-oh (Oracle Home location)] [-retry (value)]
Table 4–5 describes the options available for the lsinventory command.
Table 4-5 lsinventory Command Options
allReports the name and installation directory for each Oracle home directory found.
bugs_fixedReports bugs fixed by installed patches in a tabular format. Besides the bugs fixed, the report also displays the installed patches, installed times, and bug descriptions. The fixed bugs are sorted per installed patch. The default display is patches in descending order based on installed time and ascending order of bugs within each patch. You can use 'asc' or 'desc' with this option to enforce sort order on bugs within each patch.
You can use this option with the patch or patch_id option to obtain sort orders with installed patches.
delaySpecifies how many seconds to wait before attempting to lock the inventory in the case of a previous failure. You can use this option only if the -retry option is specified.
detailReports the installed products and other details. You cannot use this option with the -all option.
invPtrLocSpecifies the location of the oraInst.loc file. This option is needed when the invPtrLoc option was used during installation. Oracle recommends using the default Central Inventory for a platform.
jreSpecifies the location of a particular JRE (Java) to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory.
ohSpecifies the Oracle home directory to use instead of the default directory.
patchLists the patch IDs installed in the Oracle home in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order, which is the default, based on installed time.
retrySpecifies how many times the OPatch utility should try when there is an inventory lock failure.

-detail Option Example
The following example shows the output of opatch lsinventory -detail:
Oracle interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved..
Oracle Home       : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1
Central Inventory : /home/OUIHome_Opatch
   from           : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
OUI location      : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1/oui
Log file location : /home/oracle_
Patch history file: /scratch/userid/newDB/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
Lsinventory Output file location : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_
Installed Top-level Products (1):
Oracle Database 10g                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Installed Products (10):
Agent Required Support Files                               
Assistant Common Files                                     
Bali Share                                                 
Buildtools Common Files                                    
Character Set Migration Utility                            
Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants              
Database SQL Scripts                                       
Database Workspace Manager                                 
DBJAVA Required Support Files                              
Enterprise Edition Options                                 
There are 10 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Intermin patches (1) :
Patch  111000       : applied on Mon May 23 19:44:08 IST 2008
Created on 27 Jul 2007, 05:43:46 hrs PST8PDT
Bugs fixed: 111000
Files Touched:
/qmtest.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
libmapsym.so --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libmapsym.so
ins_rdbms.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ioracle
/oracle/xml/jaxb/orajaxb.class --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/xml.jar
Patch Location in Inventory:
Patch Location in Storage area:
 OPatch succeeded.
-bugs_fixed Option Example
The following example shows the output of opatch lsinventory -bugs_fixed asc:
Oracle interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved..
Oracle Home       : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1
Central Inventory : /home/OUIHome_Opatch
   from           : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
OUI location      : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1/oui
Log file location : /home/oracle_
Patch history file: /scratch/userid/newDB/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
Lsinventory Output file location : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_
Installed Top-level Products (2):
Oracle Database 10g                                        
Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2                  
There are 2 products installed in this Oracle Home.
List of Bugs fixed by Installed Patches:
Bug        Fixed by          Installed at                   Description
---        --------          ------------                   -----------
1000000    6079591   Mon Oct 13 02:03:42 PDT 2008   test bug
6079591    6079591   Mon Oct 13 02:03:42 PDT 2008   MLR BUG FOR 10.2.0:.3 FOR CPU:JUL2:007
300500     300500    Fri Sep 05 02:25:34 PDT 2008   Demo bug for patching files
300501     300500    Fri Sep 05 02:25:34 PDT 2008   Demo bug for patching files
300502     300500    Fri Sep 05 02:25:34 PDT 2008   Demo bug for patching files
6121268    6121268   Tue Aug 19 23:32:33 PDT 2008   DB-
6121266    6121266   Tue Aug 19 23:32:27 PDT 2008   DB-
6121264    6121264   Tue Aug 19 23:32:22 PDT 2008   DB-
6121263    6121263   Tue Aug 19 23:32:14 PDT 2008   DB-
(Middle section of report is intentionally excluded.)
6121248    6650096   Tue Feb 12 05:50:48 PST 2008   DB-
6650096    6650096   Tue Feb 12 05:50:48 PST 2008   DB-
6121247    6650095   Tue Feb 12 05:50:41 PST 2008   DB-
6397946    6650095   Tue Feb 12 05:50:41 PST 2008   DB-
6650095    6650095   Tue Feb 12 05:50:41 PST 2008   DB-
6650081    6650081   Tue Feb 12 05:50:35 PST 2008   DB-
6646853    6646853   Tue Feb 12 05:50:28 PST 2008   MLR BUG FOR FOR CPUJAN2008
6452863    6452863   Tue Feb 12 05:50:12 PST 2008   TRACKING BUG FOR CPUJUL2007
 OPatch succeeded.
-patch desc Option Example
The following example shows the output of opatch lsinventory -patch desc:
Oracle interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved..
Oracle Home       : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1
Central Inventory : /home/OUIHome_Opatch
   from           : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
OUI location      : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1/oui
Log file location : /home/oracle_
Patch history file: /scratch/userid/newDB/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
Lsinventory Output file location : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_
Interim patches (39) :
Patch  6079591      : applied on Mon Oct 13 02:03:42 PDT 2008
   Created on 21 Jun 2007, 03:42:18 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     6079591, 1000000
Patch  300500       : applied on Fri Sep 05 02:25:34 PDT 2008
   Created on 07 Nov 2005, 04:57:14 hrs US/Eastern
   Bugs fixed:
     300500, 300501, 300502
 OPatch succeeded.
-detail Option Example
The following example shows the output of opatch lsinventory -detail:
Oracle interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved..
Oracle Home       : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1
Central Inventory : /home/OUIHome_Opatch
   from           : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
OUI location      : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_1/oui
Log file location : /home/oracle_
Lsinventory Output file location : /home/oracle_TEST/product/10.2.0/db_
Installed Top-level Products (1):
Oracle Database 10g                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Installed Products (10):
Agent Required Support Files                               
Assistant Common Files                                     
Bali Share                                                 
Buildtools Common Files                                    
Character Set Migration Utility                            
Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants              
Database SQL Scripts                                       
Database Workspace Manager                                 
DBJAVA Required Support Files                              
Enterprise Edition Options                                 
There are 10 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Intermin patches (1) :
Patch  102000       : applied on Mon May 23 19:44:08 IST 2008
Created on 27 Jul 2007, 05:43:46 hrs PST8PDT
Bugs fixed: 102000
Files Touched:
/qmtest.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver10.a
libmapsym.so --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libmapsym.so
ins_rdbms.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ioracle
/oracle/xml/jaxb/orajaxb.class --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/xml.jar
Patch Location in Inventory:
Patch Location in Storage area:
 OPatch succeeded.

query Command

The query command queries a specific patch for specific details. It provides information about the patch and the system being patched. The following syntax is used for this command:
/opatch query [-all] [-jre (Location)] [-jdk (Location)]\
 [-oh (Location)] [patch_location]
Table 4–6 lists the options available for the query command.
Table 4-6 query Command Options
allRetrieves all information about a patch. This is equivalent to setting all options.
jdkSpecifies the location of a particular JDK (jar) to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory. You cannot use the -jdk and -jre options together.
jreSpecifies the location of a particular JRE (Java) to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory. You cannot the use -jdk and -jre options together.
ohSpecifies the Oracle home directory to use instead of the default directory.

rollback Command

The rollback command removes a specific interim patch from the appropriate Oracle home directory. The following syntax is used for this command:
/opatch rollback -id (patch_id) [-ph (patch directory)] \
[-delay] (value) [-invPtrLoc (path)] [-jdk (location)] [-jre (location)]\
[-local] [-oh (Oracle Home location)] \
[-post (options to be passed into post) [-opatch_post_end]] \
[-pre (options to be passed into pre) [-opatch_pre_end]] [-retry (value)] \
[-silent] [-verbose] [-no_relink] [-no_sysmod][-remote_nodes (node1,node2)][-local_node (node_name)]
Table 4–7 describes the options available for the rollback command.
Table 4-7 rollback Command Options
delaySpecifies how many seconds the OPatch utility should wait before attempting to lock the inventory again, if you use the -retry option with theapply command.
idIndicates the patch to be rolled back. Use the -lsinventory command to display all patch identifiers. To successfully roll back a patch, you must supply the patch identifier.
invPtrLocSpecifies the location of the oraInst.loc file. This option is needed when the -invPtrLoc option is used during installation. Oracle recommends using the default Central Inventory for a platform.
jdkSpecifies the location of a particular JDK (jar) to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory.
jreSpecifies the location of a particular JRE (Java) to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory.
localSpecifies that the OPatch utility should roll back and update the local node and update the inventory of the local node. It does not propagate the patch or inventory update to other nodes.
You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments and non-clustered environments. If you shut down an entire cluster before patching, you can use this argument for non-rolling patches.
local_nodeSpecifies to the OPatch utility that this is the local node for the cluster.
You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments.
no_sysmodSpecifies that the OPatch utility need not update the files in the system. It will only update the inventory.
no_relinkThis option does not perform any make operation in the patch. You can use it during multiple patch removals and to perform the compilation step only once.
ohSpecifies the Oracle home directory to use instead of the default directory.
opatch_post_endMarks the end of the post option. This option is used with the post option. If you do not use this argument, everything after post is passed into post.
opatch_pre_endMarks the end of the pre options. This option is used with the pre option. If you do not use this argument, everything after pre is passed intopre.
phSpecifies the valid patch directory area. The utility uses the command types found in the patch directory to identify which commands are used for the current operating system.
postSpecifies the parameters to be passed inside the post script besides the standard parameters.
preSpecifies the parameters to be passed inside the pre script besides the standard parameters.
remote_nodesSpecifies to the OPatch utility the list of remote nodes.
You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments.
reportPrints the action to the screen without executing it.
retrySpecifies how many times the OPatch utility should try in case of an inventory lock failure.
silentSuppresses user interaction and defaults any answers to "yes". The Oracle Real Application Clusters setup does not support this option.
verbosePrints output to the screen as well as to the log file.

version Command

The version command shows the current version number of the OPatch utility. The following syntax is used for this command:
/opatch version

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